Thursday, May 28, 2009

On our way home from the weekend...

Well, a weekend on the road wouldn't be complete if we didn't do something totally spontaneous. Even though we had 5 dogs in the car and were kind of sick of driving, we saw the sign for Antelope Island and said, "Why the heck not?" It started out as an exit off the freeway to grab something to eat and have a potty break, but then it grew into an afternoon at the island. I had never been and Guy had been, but it was when he was a scout, so just a few years.

We saw all sorts of wildlife...birds, antelope, deer and our favorite, the buffalo. We almost didn't get to see these guys. We drove through the entire park and didn't see a sign of them, but then on the way out, we saw a few of them at a watering trough way up on the hill. We stopped to take some pics and then they started down the hill so we had nothing but time on our hands, so we waited to see if they would come closer. It took about 45 minutes for them to walk down the side of the hill and we waited and waited. I took about 100 pictures while we were waiting and finally they were close enough to get this great pic. It was funny cause there were birds riding on their backs.

And how could I forget about these cute things. They were so sick of riding in the car that when we got home, I couldn't get them to stop running around wildly.

Samantha's Graduation...

So I can't believe that my youngest sis is graduated...that means that I'm getting older. Oh well...congratulations Samantha. We are so proud of you for making it to graduation and best of luck to you in the future.

My Grandma Gene made the drive over to support Samantha and congratulate her.

Also Kathy and her daughter McKayla came all the way from STG to come to Samantha's grad. They stayed over night and we all had a blast catching up with them.

Another huge suprise that we were keeping from Samantha was that Falisha was flying out. We were so excited to see her and Samantha had no idea. I picked Falisha up from the airport at 11 o' clock at night, so we didn't get to my mom and dad's til about 2 am. I couldn't wait for morning, so I woke Sam up as soon as we got there and she squealed with excitement. It was the best surprise ever.

Lost puppies...

The other day, I couldn't find my puppies anywhere. I looked in their cage, and I looked on their blankies, and I looked under my bed, and finally I found them on the pillows between the couches. They were so worn out from playing so much. Aren't they so cute??? This week is the sad week because they are old enough to go to new homes...we already sold the tan one which was the cutest one. Tomorrow the black one is going to a new home too. The bandit one is going to be so lonely and spoiled if they aren't already spoiled enough.

I have a lot to catch up on...

A few weekends ago, we got recruited for branding weekend at the farm. It is actually our favorite thing to help with...we look forward to it every spring.

Samantha wanted to learn how to fill the syringes up with the medication, so my mom was showing her how. She did great...

And my dad did all of the branding...

Now that you have taken a double take...yes that is Guy on a horse. Us three were the cow herding crew. We had so much fun and I didn't get a picture, but Grandpa was on his four wheeler helping us round up cows.

Spike wanted to help so bad that he followed all the big dogs because he thinks that he is a big dog...don't tell him that he isnt...but after following for about an hour, he just couldn't keep up anymore. So we put him in the saddle with Guy and he loved it. So if you look close, you can see Spike.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My first daffodil blooms...

I have been waiting for a while for these to bloom. My neighbors across the street have all of their bulb plants in bloom, but mine haven't hardly started. But here are the first one's and I'm so excited.

Day at the farm...

We had plans to spend the day at the farm branding calves, but it rained so much that we weren't able to. We drove down anyways cause we hadn't been out of Cache Valley in a while. When the sun came out in the middle of the day, I ran outside to snap a few pic's.

Roonie thought it was so fun to chase the chickens mom has a new obsession with chickens lately. This yellow rooster we call Fancy Feet cause he is so pretty and has furry feet. Leave it to my dad to name it something crazy like that.

Here are some of my m0m's new chickens. They would't get away from each other, so it looks like a pile of chickens.

And here are the baby chicks that just barely hatched. They are so little and Spike was so curious about them that he had to get in the cage and check them out.

The momma hen didn't like that Spike was checking the babies out, so she was chasing him around trying to get him out. The first time she did it, he was scared, but then he started to get brave and tease her. We had to drag him out cause he thought it was so fun.

Silly day at the park...

So we decided to leave these little maggots home and go for a walk on the only sunny day this week. Dallie needed a break from being a mom, so we took her and Spike for a walk around the neighborhood.

On our walk, we made our way to the park and the dogs just loved it. The grass was so fun to run through and play in.

They ran and played...then they started to roll around and be silly. We were laughing at them and thought they were having a great time. We then realized that they were probably rolling in something...not just rolling.

So we called them over to see what they had been rolling in and so here they come. Actually just Dallie came...Spike wasn't done rolling around and being a dog.

And as you can see on Spike's back, they did roll in something. That something was other dog's poop. Ickkk...They smelled horrible and it ruined the whole fun at the park. So we walked them home and straight into the bathtub. I was laughing so hard the entire time, and Spike was whining the entire time, and Guy didn't think it was funny til after we were done bathing them. Spike pouted the rest of the day, and when we let him outside with Rhody, he kept rubbing up against her to get his dog smell back. It was pretty funny.