Thursday, May 28, 2009

I have a lot to catch up on...

A few weekends ago, we got recruited for branding weekend at the farm. It is actually our favorite thing to help with...we look forward to it every spring.

Samantha wanted to learn how to fill the syringes up with the medication, so my mom was showing her how. She did great...

And my dad did all of the branding...

Now that you have taken a double take...yes that is Guy on a horse. Us three were the cow herding crew. We had so much fun and I didn't get a picture, but Grandpa was on his four wheeler helping us round up cows.

Spike wanted to help so bad that he followed all the big dogs because he thinks that he is a big dog...don't tell him that he isnt...but after following for about an hour, he just couldn't keep up anymore. So we put him in the saddle with Guy and he loved it. So if you look close, you can see Spike.

1 comment:

DaynaDouble said...

Silly dog. I was very surprised to see Guy on a horse ;)