Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day at the farm...

We had plans to spend the day at the farm branding calves, but it rained so much that we weren't able to. We drove down anyways cause we hadn't been out of Cache Valley in a while. When the sun came out in the middle of the day, I ran outside to snap a few pic's.

Roonie thought it was so fun to chase the chickens mom has a new obsession with chickens lately. This yellow rooster we call Fancy Feet cause he is so pretty and has furry feet. Leave it to my dad to name it something crazy like that.

Here are some of my m0m's new chickens. They would't get away from each other, so it looks like a pile of chickens.

And here are the baby chicks that just barely hatched. They are so little and Spike was so curious about them that he had to get in the cage and check them out.

The momma hen didn't like that Spike was checking the babies out, so she was chasing him around trying to get him out. The first time she did it, he was scared, but then he started to get brave and tease her. We had to drag him out cause he thought it was so fun.

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