Friday, April 10, 2009

Arrival of Puppies...

Well we are very excited to have our new puppies here. They are so tiny and cute. All they do is eat and sleep and cry for more milk. They were born on April 7...the first one got here at 4:30p.m., and the last one was born just after midnight. It was a long afternoon, but we made it.
Dallie needed a break away from being a new mommy, so I snuck a few pets in while she was gone. They are so cute because all they want to do is cuddle, so when Dallie isn't there, they kind of just huddle into a ball.

I caught this pic when they were so exhausted. I don't think that this puppy can get any closer to her mom.

Oh yeah, all three of them are girls, and different colors. The first one is a light tan, the second one is black and looks just like spike, and the last one is a kind of chocolatey mousy color.

Well I was feeling kind of bad that spike and Rhody were kind of being neglected, but I was busy checking a Dallie every few minutes. So they had to take care of themselves for the afternoon and into the night.
Once that I finally had a second to check on them, this was what I found. Spike had put his bed next to Rhody's and cuddled up next to her. The look on his face is so funny...its like he is saying that he doesn't need me cause he's got Rhody. Oh and could you please turn the lights off if you are going to make me stay out here with her.


DaynaDouble said...

How fun for you. Congrats to the little mommy. Those males always get mad when the focus is on the mom and the baby ;) I guess this means we won't see you this weekend...poopy for us. Happy Easter anyway! xoxo

Long Family said...

How fun! Poor mommy. I bet she's exahusted!!!