Monday, October 17, 2011

Kayson's first day of church...

I think that church is a germ fest, so I have held off taking Kayson to church yet. Yesterday he turned 6 weeks old, so I decided that it was time to take him. I had a hard time deciding what babies wear to church. I know that I have seen plenty of babies at church, but I guess that I have never paid much attention to what they are wearing. I found a very cute white long sleeve onsie and some tan shorts. He looked so handsome. We tried to snap a family pic too, but babies just don't pose that well when you want them too. He was so good at church too. He loved the put him to sleep. Thank you Kayson for not crying...I have this fear of a crying baby in public. I'm sure that I will get past that, but right now I leave the store the second I think that he is going to start fussing. I know...laugh. It is kind of a funny fear.

1 comment:

Carlie said...

We waited 4 weeks before we took Zenick I am a germaphobe but we teach primary so yeah! LOL