Monday, February 16, 2009

Skiing at Beaver Mountain...

Well for Valentines Day, we wanted to do something fun. No flowers, no chocolate, and no candlelight dinner...we decide to go on an adventure. About a month ago, we went for a ride over to Bear Lake and had alot of fun. While there, we went to the visitors center at the lookout area. Of course everywhere we go, we have to get one of each of the brochures and pamphlets. I don't know why we do it, because we have never looked at them ever again, but still we do it. One of them was for skiing at Beaver Mountain. That was the beginning of a great idea. I suggested that we go, and then came the planning. We went home and figured out what weekend was coming up that we didn't already have packed with all the other things that we love doing. It just so happened to be Valentines weekend...perfect. So we have pretty much just been looking forwards to this weekend for a while. I hadn't been skiing since I was in Young Womens and Guy hadn't been skiing since high school, and we aren't exactly young anymore, so it's been a while. I wish that I could have had my camera in hand the whole time, but it was freezing and snowing and I was trying to stay upright most of the time, oh yeah and trying to keep up with Guy. He was a speed deamon...I couldn't catch him. One time I was ahead of him, and somehow I totally crashed into the snow bank. When I looked up to see where Guy was, he was wrecked behind me. He had run into the snow bank trying not to run me over. We had a blast, but the next day, we stayed near our bed most the day because neither one of us could barely walk from being so sore.

Oh yeah...I almost forgot the best part of the pre-ski trip excitement. I heard an ad on the radio about some sporting goods store having a winter sale on gloves. We definately needed some gloves, so we dropped by a couple days before going skiing. They were having such a better sale than we thought. We found gloves, snow pants, beanies, and glasses for 60% off. It was the best score ever, so the red snow pants that I'm wearing in the pic are part of that deal...they were regularly $100 and they were on sale for $18.88. We couldn't pass it up.

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