Monday, February 16, 2009

Diet Coke fetish...

So ever since I have started classes this semester, I have started drinking diet coke. I'm not sure might be because I'm up late studying, up early getting ready for class, or working at my desk at work all afternoon. It could be a combination of all those things. But whatever it may be, I have to say that I'm addicted. And thanks to whoever thought of diet coke with lime and diet coke with cherry. I couldn't keep going without it. And Guy makes fun of me everytime he see's me drinking it because I have always give him a hard time about drinking mnt. dew. That's okay...if it helps me through my homework, it's way worth it.

1 comment:

DaynaDouble said...

That a girl! I do not agree with the Lime or Cherry DC but I am definitely a DC fan. I am glad to hear you finally joined the club ;)