Sunday, February 8, 2009

Garden...Part 2

So this isn't really part of my garden, but I took a pic of it anyway. Guy got this cactus for me when we were first married. It has been through alot, but it sure has done well. It actually has a baby growing out of it.

And all good gardens take water, and lots of it. So we decided to put the plant stand next to the faucets that come out of the wall. It's like they were put there just for my garden.

We planted tomato's and peppers of all sorts in this one. Hope they will grow.

And here are all of the seeds that we bought. Yeah we might have gotten a little out of hand, but there is still snow on the ground and I so want it to be spring. It will come soon.

1 comment:

Angela Shaw said...

Hey at least you can garden! Our house actually has a huge planned out garden, our first year here Jonny planted a garden, and got 1 pea pod! That was the extent of our gardening. Maybe you can give me some tips :)