Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Greatest Husband of the Week...

Well, if you don't know what this picture is, it is an empty sink...duh. There is more to it than that. I got off work early today and all I could think about was getting outside and working in my yard and enjoying the great weather we are having today. But I have this dumb OCDness that I have to clean my house before I can go outside and feel okay about it. So I was kind of dreading going home because I knew that I had left a whole sink full of dishes and I was going to have to do them before I went outside. When I walked into the kitchen, I found this...an empty sink. I was so excited...thanks babes...love you lots and you don't know how excited I was to just be able to head outside and play with all my flowers. But that wasn't the end of the greatness of my husband today. I texted him to tell him thanks and he said that he had made food and left me some in the fridge. I opened up the door, and there was a plate of food just waiting for me to heat it up. It was like my greatest dream come true.

1 comment:

DaynaDouble said...

Lucky!!! I am so jealous. I think I need to be a nicer wife so my husband will do things like that for me ;)